The Training Committee is responsible for organising the training events conducted by the ADC-ICT including advocacy training sessions, Mock Trial and Annual Conference.

Jason Antley

Marie O'Leary

Annie O'Reilly

Jason Antley
Jason is an experienced international rule of law / justice consultant and leading case management expert. International criminal experience (ICTY, STL, and ICC), recognized as an expert in case management systems for defence teams, and the analysis of telecommunications and digital evidence. Currently he is leading the Prosecutions component of an FCDO CTPF project in Iraq and Kurdistan, meant to improve fair trials at the national level for terrorism suspects. Previously he consulted on similar CSSF projects in Somaliland, Kosovo, and Saudi Arabia. He has also provided courtroom training to telecommunication analysts in the United Kingdom. Jason is a qualified lawyer in the United States (Georgia); a certified expert for Justice Rapid Response in case management; member of Executive Committee and Training Committee at the ICCBA; member of the Training Committee and Amicus Committee for the ADC-ICT.

Marie O'Leary
Marie O’Leary is a former President of the ADC-ICT and current Counsel for the Office of Public Counsel for the Defence (OPCD) at the ICC. She was previously part of the Defence teams of Naser Orić, Vlastimir Đorđević, Milan Lukić (Lukić & Lukić) and Dragomir Pećanac at the ICTY. She has also worked for the Amicus Prosecutor for contempt proceedings on appeal in the case against Vojislav Šešelj and as an Associate Legal Officer with ICTY Trial Chamber II. In 2010, O’Leary served as a Legal Consultant for the Defence Office at the STL. She was the Head of Office of the ADC-ICTY between 2006 and 2007. Ms O’Leary is also a lecturer in the Seminar
on International Criminal Defence at the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute and has lectured for the Summer School on International Criminal Law of the Grotius Centre of Leiden University. Ms O’Leary holds a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) degree from the University of St. Thomas. She has worked as an editor and as a marketing director prior to attending the University of St. Thomas School of Law. She graduated with a Juris Doctor in 2006, is licensed to practice in Minnesota and possesses experience with both the Minneapolis City Attorney and Minnesota Public Defenders’ offices.

Annie O'Reilly
Annie O'Reilly is co-counsel for Mr Kadri Veseli, who is due to stand trial at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in 2023. Prior to this, she spent more than a decade working in ICL: first at the ICTY, where she was a defence team members, and later at the ICC where she occupied various positions in the Office of the Prosecutor. Ms O'Reilly is a member of the New York Bar.