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ADC-ICT Membership

Any persons who fulfils the following requirements is eligible to be a Full Member of the ADC-ICT:

  1. Being admitted to the practice of law in a state, or being a university professor of law;

  2. Possessing established competence in criminal and/or international criminal law / international humanitarian law / international human rights law;

  3. Possessing at least seven years of relevant experience, whether as a judge, prosecutor, attorney or in some other capacity, in criminal proceedings;

  4. Having written and oral proficiency in one of the two working languages of the Mechanism or having obtained a waiver pursuant to Rule 42 B of the IRMCT Rules of Procedure and Evidence.

  5. Not having been found guilty or otherwise been disciplined in relevant disciplinary proceedings where being admitted to the practice of law or a university professor of law;

  6. Not having been found guilty in relevant criminal proceedings.

  7. Willingness to represent indigent accused before the Mechanism.


IRMCT List of Counsel

On 8 June 2012, the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the IRMCT were promulgated and include a list of requirements for qualification of counsel to practise before the IRMCT. Further details are available on the IRMCT website and the application form is available here.


According to Rule 42 of the IRMCT Rules of Procedure and Evidence, Counsel:


  1. Must be admitted to the practice of law in a State, or be a university professor of law;

  2. Must have written and oral proficiency in one of the two working languages of the Mechanism;

  3. Must be a member in good standing of an Association of Defence Counsel practising before the Mechanism;

  4. Must not have been found guilty or otherwise disciplined in relevant disciplinary proceedings against him in a national or international forum, including proceedings pursuant to the Code of Professional Conduct for Defence Counsel Appearing Before the Mechanism ;

  5. Must not have been found guilty in relevant criminal proceedings;

  6. Must not have engaged in conduct whether in pursuit of his profession or otherwise which is dishonest or otherwise discreditable to a counsel, prejudicial to the administration of justice, or likely to diminish public confidence in the Mechanism or the administration of justice, or otherwise bring the International Tribunal into disrepute ;

  7. Must not have provided false or misleading information in relation to his qualifications and fitness to practice or have failed to provide relevant information;

  8. Must possess established competence in criminal law and/or international criminal law/international humanitarian law/ international human rights law;

  9. Must possess at least seven years of relevant experience, whether as a judge, prosecutor, attorney or in some other capacity, in criminal proceedings; and

  10. Must have indicated his or her availability and willingness to be assigned by the Mechanism to any person detained under the authority of the Mechanism lacking the means to remunerate counsel.

Contact us

Tel: +31 (0)70 512 5418
Address​​​​​​: Churchillplein 1

The Hague, The Netherlands,  2517 JW

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Account number: 0100.9545.88

Swift Code (BIC): RABONL2U

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© ADC-ICT 2021

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