ADC-ICT Files Amicus Observations in the Dominic Ongwen Appeal Proceedings at the ICC

On 23 December 2021, the ADC-ICT filed an amicus brief, at the request of the Appeals Chamber, in the Dominic Ongwen appeal proceedings at the International Criminal Court.
The brief was drafted by the Amicus Committee and covered the topics of:
the legal interpretation of article 31(1)(a) and (d) of the Statute concerning grounds for excluding criminal responsibility;
evidentiary issues relating to mental disease or defect;
the burden of proof when asserting a ground for excluding criminal responsibility; and the standard of proof applicable to the assessment of mental disease or defect or duress; and
the permissibility or otherwise of entering cumulative convictions when the conduct in question violates two or more distinct provisions of the Statute.
The full amicus brief is available below.